Monthly Archives: March 2017

Singing up a Storm!

Singing up a Storm!

2017 has brought storms and wind to the Quiet Side of the Great Lake. Just about every day has been windy and one of the storms in particular was like a hurricane it hit with such force and created lots of damage.

I’ve noticed that when the storms loom, and they can be particularly scary our native birds seem to act in a less threatened way than we humans do. Amidst the heavy black clouds and rising winds, birds still call and sing, swans move toward the shore.

The storm we had last week was a particularly nasty one. I really thought we may see a dangerous water-spout from this one! Praise God we didn’t.


Then, as the wind rose, part of the lake literally turned black, it was one of the scariest phenomenons I had seen. Just as passengers are told in a distressed aircraft to ‘brace!’ We braced.


We have a family of Butcherbirds living in our vicinity. Dad, Mum and Junior. We have names for them all, Bill, Willie (Wilhelmina) and Little Bob. Here they are in more clement weather. Their birdsong and bird calls are beautiful.


Below is Bill, keeps watch over his family as they drink.


While the world was going mad with the storm bearing down on us, I could still hear Bill warbling in the trees with his adorable melodic birdsong, as if nothing unusual was happening.

Here I was praying for deliverance, and Bill was out there praising his Creator singing away. Oh for his faith, through trials and scary events! He puts his simple trust in his Creator to see him through, giving it his all, while I’m sending out SOS’s to God and making preparations for just in case”. Lord help my unbelief!

So here is what I learned from Bill and his family and only the psalmist can say it so beautifully.

Lord, you are my secure shelter. [I will not fear] My loving God, the harp in my heart will praise you. Your faithful heart toward us will be the theme of my song. Melodies and music will rise to you, the Holy One… I will shout and sing your praises for all you are to me— Savior, lover of my soul!

Psalm 71:1, 22-23 (The Passion Translation)

I will praise Him through the storms. When the Lord is with me, I will not fear, neither will I be shaken.




May your week be blessed, Marilyn