Monthly Archives: December 2016

Happy New Year!

Just as God brings us into a new year (2017), the Quiet Side of the Great Lake is filled with new life, with an influx of baby birds! From first light every morning  the air is filled with chirping, squeaking, chattering baby bird calls.

Our resident Frogmouth (who looks like an owl, but isn’t) has had two beautiful babies. They seem to be about the same size as their mother (on the right) before we get to see them. The juniors are very fluffy. Mum has the look of a martyr. Feeding young birds of this size would be quite an exercise, especially when you’ve got to go hunt for it in small increments.

Below is the other fledgling.


Then we have a baby Butcherbird. These little birds have the most tuneful and innovative birdsong creating their own signature song.

Now this was an unusual shot. Australian Ravens (below) are rather scruffy looking birds with a rather dismal and plaintive cry. But this photo shows joy between a youngster and its mother.


There are also lots of young Australian Magpies chasing their mothers squeaking for food

and Noisy Miner chicks who squeak constantly.

“Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.
    It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?
There it is!” Isaiah 43:19 MSG

God has great things in store for us all in this New Year. So I Wish you all a bounteous new year full of good things.

From all of us at the Quiet Side.







Photos are all the work of the blogger

The New Year Graphic courtesy of  Graphics Factory

Feliz Navidad! “Merry Christmas!”

Merry Christmas!

Our little Australian Brushtail possum now has a name. We have called her Petal Possum. Her mother is Blossom. She is a few months old now and this is her very first Christmas. So, I thought she should grace our Christmas Card from the Quiet Side of the Great Lake.

I also decided I would add the words to the card from a simple Christmas song, “Feliz Navidad”, released in 1970, written and performed by José Feliciano. Feliz Navidad means “Merry Christmas!” I thought these words a simple greeting, easy to understand and heartfelt, suitable from the heart of a baby possum even if the chorus is written in Spanish!

You might like to sing along!


Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero año why felicidad (“Merry Christmas, a prosperous year and happiness”)


I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart

I thought these words a simple greeting, from a baby possum even if the chorus is written in Spanish!

Merry Christmas!

To you and yours, have a blessed Christmas and New Year. Stay safe and God Bless,





Added graphics from ‘Graphics Factory’

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer!

Down here in the Southern Hemisphere it’s Summertime. A time of sunshine, sea breezes, heat waves, thunderstorms, surf, beaches, swimming pools and Christmas!

Everybody’s going surfing down Australia way!

On the Quiet Side of the Great Lake it is a time of abundance, which brings the return of the bird life. Our bird baths become the feathered version of the office water cooler. Busy, and providing the opportunity to share the latest gossip.

Who’s for a swim?
All in together!
So what’s new?

There are growing babies! Our little possum doesn’t need to travel everywhere with mum now, and has gone from riding on mum’s back to going solo.

Isn’t she sweet?

The Quiet Side is filled with the cries of Corellas, Cockatoos, Lorikeets, Rosellas, Egrets, White faced Herons, Black Swans just to mention several examples.

We get to enjoy all of these beautiful creatures because God provides for all His Creation. Psalm 104:13-15 The Passion Translation tells us:

From your kindness you send the rain to water the mountains from the upper rooms of your palace. Your goodness brings forth fruit for all to enjoy.

Your compassion brings the earth’s harvest, feeding the hungry. You cause the grass to grow for livestock, along with the fruit, grains, and vegetables to feed mankind.

You provide sweet wine to gladden hearts. You give us daily bread to sustain life, giving us glowing health for our bodies.

How can we not give thanks and praise to the God of Wonders!





Thanks to my friend Pam for her photos of the the lorikeets and the baby possum.