Our God does great things too marvellous to understand!

Our God does great things too marvellous to understand!

The Bible is not only a miracle in itself, it is full of recorded miracles. The miracles God performed to free the Children of Israel, their journey through the Red Sea and through the wilderness to the Promised Land. God performed miracles in battle to protect His beloved people, Israel. There were the miracles performed by His prophets, and then of course there were the many miracles performed by His Son, Jesus here on earth and later His disciples.

Despite all that God has done there were times since the beginning when His people doubted, and lost their faith and their hope.

Welcome to my blog coming to you from downunder in Australia.

Revelations from a Lake is about seeing God through the majesty of His Creation.

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Sometimes we doubt God still performs miracles today. But of course that is not true. Miracles are still occurring throughout the world, many are recorded, but many are not and are easily forgotten. Job in the book of Job 5:9 says: “He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles.” He states many examples which to us might appear everyday mundane things e.g. “He gives rain for the earth and water for the fields. He gives prosperity to the poor and protects those who suffer” (See Job 5),  there are many more.

The simplest miracles God creates are totally beyond our ability and are often overlooked or ignored.

The intricate design of plants and flowers:


The colours of the rainbow…


 [And God said] “I’m putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between me and the Earth. From now on, when I form a cloud over the Earth and the rainbow appears in the cloud, I’ll remember my covenant between me and you and everything living, that never again will floodwaters destroy all life.” (Genesis 9:14-15 THE MESSAGE)

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The love and faithfulness of a pet….


And so much more….

Answer to prayer is a miracle! I encourage you to write your answered prayers down and give God the praise and glory He deserves. List them! Read them over and remember what the Lord has done for you and will continue to do.

I recently experienced a miracle in my own life. The report on a routine medical procedure recently brought me frightening news. My whole life stopped with the prospect I may not be long for this world. I spent a month in turmoil during which time many wonderful people in my church prayed for me. I underwent a second more definitive procedure to further clarify the extent of my condition, only to find that there was no sign of any abnormality! A second opinion was sought by the reporting radiologist. My specialist was gob-smacked. It was beyond understanding. I see it as one of God’s miracles! An answer to prayer.





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