Daily Archives: August 9, 2016

Make a spectacular sound of joy!


Hi! and thanks for stopping by my blog,

winter welcome_002_002

I love to sing! Anyone who knows me well would know that. Give me music with a beat and I’m into it. I’ve been a performer and been a worship leader. My favourite is the latter because it leaves out the “me” part and lets me lift up my praise and worship to my God in heaven and give Him the glory.

We humans love to make a joyful noise. Some of us sing, some may hum, others whistle, still others play musical instruments. But have you noticed that most of God’s Creation is also capable of making a joyful noise. Elephants trumpet, frogs croak, birds sing or squawk, my dog yips with excitement. I believe that even those creatures which appear silent give praise their maker in the way only they can. Whales and dolphins have a special sound and love to frolic in the water. Trees and flowers glow with vibrant colours of health. isaiah writes: “You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands!” (Isaiah 55:12 NLT)

I love sulphur crested cockatoos – they always seem to be about fun. In the wild they make a rather raucous noise, but raucous or not – it is full of joy!

The scriptures on the photos below are all taken from Psalm 33 (The Passion Translation – TPT), which is a psalm of King David’s and is entitled, ‘A Song of Praise’.

Psalm 33 v2
THE CHOIR – ad-libbing as they go – corellas and galahs are very vocal. To our human ears we hear a cacophony of squawking, to God, the Great Creator – it is note perfect! Just as He created them.

Lastly, top billing goes to the Australian Magpie whose warbling is something to behold.


Magpies are very creative. They make up their own signature melodies. They are also great at mimicking the sounds they hear. We have one who sings the first line of the children’s rhyme “Old MacDonald had a Farm” and repeats the last few notes, three times. Quite inventive.

If you are feeling down today, lift up your own song of praise. The God who loves you will delight in it! And you will feel blessed too.

