All things bright and beautiful....take the time to look around you.
One of my favourite Sunday School hymns was “All things bright and beautiful”. I think I loved it so, because it spoke of things I could understand, things I could see – beautiful things – our hearts are created to love God’s Creation.
The story goes this simple little hymn was first published in 1848 in a collection of hymns designed to raise money for the deaf and dumb, and was written by Mrs Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-95), wife to the Archbishop of Armagh and Protestant Primate of Ireland.
sited 23/6/2016:
So I thought I would translate it into images starting with verse one.
The Eastern Rosella is one of the prettiest and most colourful birds found on the east coast of Australia… and on the Quiet Side of the Great Lake. Our bird bath gets a lot of use, by a variety of birds, large and small. Some who drink and others who take a bath! It looks like on the day I took this shot, there had been many birds through as there is little water left.
One Pelican and a jetty full of Black Cormorants and one Seagull – all happy to share.
I don’t know if this Tawny Frogmouth is as wise as he looks. But there is something intense about the owl variety. They appear to be deep thinkers.
When I see a rainbow I think of God and His many promises.
Verse 2 coming next post.