Monthly Archives: May 2016

Enter in at the Narrow Gate


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When God created man he gave us the gift of “freedom of choice”.

We have a number of bush paths around the Great Lake. Each one I find spiritually inspirational. They bring scriptures to mind.

the gate

Here we have the gate to the narrow pathway. It reminds me of Matthew 7:13 “Come to God through the narrow gate, because the wide gate and broad path is the way that leads to destruction – nearly everyone chooses the crowded road! The narrow gate and the difficult way leads to eternal life – so few even find it!” (Matthew 7:13-14 The Passion Translation)

Follow me through the narrow gate metaphorically as you walk through the cool shaded bushland towards  the light. The true light. God’s light – at the end of the pathway. This gate is closed to unbelievers.


Someone once wrote: “Both the narrow gate and the wide gate are assumed to provide the entrance to God’s kingdom. Two ways are offered to people. [remember, we have the freedom of choice].The narrow gate is by faith, only through Christ. It represents true salvation in God’s way that leads to life eternal. The wide gate includes all religions of works and self-righteousness, but it does not lead to heaven.

The narrow way is disciplined. Those who walk the narrow way are fruitful,  filled with the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, gentleness and self-control. Those who walk this path are prepared to love and forgive, to turn the other cheek. It takes commitment, it takes self-control (denying oneself), it takes forgiveness and kindness. But it brings joy and love and peace regardless of circumstances, and the knowledge of being loved by a Heavenly Father who chose you before time began and who even delights in you. Who has your best interests at heart. Believe it! It might take more effort but it is SO worth it!

So today, choose the narrow path where at the end you will walk into the light. Where that God-sized hole in your heart will be forever filled. Where you will walk in faith, not fear, and no you are never alone – Jesus is walking right beside you.


And so we emerge into the light, a place where you can sit on a seat and look out over the creek on your left as it empties into the lake or the broad expanse of the lake itself.


A special place for meditation and prayer. A place you can chill out and just bask in nature. Listen to the birds, feel the sun on your face, the breeze in your hair and hear the gentle lapping of the water.

It’s the narrow path that brings life in abundance.



The Beauty of a Quiet and Gentle Spirit


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All girls like to feel beautiful. The stories of beautiful princesses still lurk in the recesses of our minds. We style our hair, put on nice clothes and jewellery and add some makeup. We pamper ourselves, “Because we deserve it?” Hardly. But we do like to look our best.

But pure beauty, the kind that comes from God can only be found on the inside, and it is God who sees the beauty of our hearts. Without that internal beauty we are little more than a store mannequin. Because it is that internal beauty that drives the heart into action.

The disciple Peter writes “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 (NIV) That’s the way I’d like to be perceived!

Saint Augustine says: “Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.”

There is a purity in the beauty that comes from God. It is the purity of peace in the stillness of the new day as it breaks over the Great Lake. I see it in the beautiful creatures God has made, all things great and small, bright and beautiful.

Pied Cormorant on a little branch – feel the peace as the sun warms him

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Ibis forages for food in the early morning – beautiful!

“The beauty of creation is a universal hymn in praise of its Maker” – Blessed Ildefonso Schuster

pelicans gliding

So my goal for this week is to aim for a quiet and gentle spirit, for that unfading beauty that comes from within. How about you?

