Daily Archives: April 18, 2016

Beneath the Shelter of His Wings!


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Note the white feathers that are visible during flight
Australian Black Swans: Note the white feathers that are visible during flight

The Quiet Side of the Great Lake is a home to hundreds of swans. They often spend their nights close into shore along a stretch of the lake just a little way from our house. About a hundred may be there early in the morning when I arise. Their soft bugling, trumpeting and crooning sounds can be heard as they interact with one another. They are very pleasant sounds and in accordance with their gracefulness. We are truly blessed.

The line of swans extends well beyond this photo - I've counted nearly a hundred at times
The line of swans extends well beyond this photo – I’ve counted nearly a hundred at times

In most cases swans mate for life and are wonderful parents.


Occasionally these beautiful Australian black swans give birth on our side of the lake. It is so exciting when we see a little clutch of cygnets with their parents.

Proud Parents
Proud Parents

Swans are warm-blooded just as we are and cygnets need to be protected from extreme exposure to heat and cold. Water temperature is a lot lower than the temperature of the cygnet’s body and they tend to lose heat rapidly when swimming in cold water. The little ones easily become tired and fatigued so mum will stop swimming and lower her tail into the water in a flat shape. The cygnet then climbs on and makes its way between her wings to the position behind her neck. Here it can see all that is going on and if it wants can huddle down between mum’s wings where they are totally covered while they warm up and rest.

Mum takes the lead while Dad troubleshoots from the back
Mum usually takes the lead while Dad troubleshoots from the back

When in the nest she shelters them from the heat with her wings like a sun-shade.

These beautiful birds with their great wings brings to mind these words from Psalm 91: 1-4

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
He is my God, and I trust Him. For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings.”

 Isn’t it great to know our God loves us so much, when things go pear-shape he will protect us and walk beside us through the storm. He provides a place of refuge and safety. When we cry out for His help, He will wrap us in His feathers and hold us fast beneath the shelter of His wings!



Reference: cited: http://www.swanlife.com/cygnets-first-two-weeks.html 18/4/2016

Photos are the property of the writer.