Millie of the Quiet Side!

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Sometime ago we lost our little Maltese to liver cancer, she was a couple of months short of her eighth birthday. It was sudden and we were left with a big hole in our hearts and our lives. Our first thought was “no more dogs”, but as time went on we knew that wasn’t what either my husband or I wanted, so we started looking around.

As we are getting older we thought about the possibility of taking a dog (rather than a puppy) from Pet Rescue. There are so many pets surrendered for numerous reasons who are in danger of being euthanized. Most are not cute puppies and many are old dogs whose owner could no longer care for them. Here in Australia we have many organizations who work with the R.S.P.C.A. to arrange foster care in homes for these animals until they can be placed permanently with owners who will take them and love them.

And so we found, Millie a four-year old female – I’ll let you decide the breed. She has a silky terrier head and a black and white fox terrier body, but is very cute!

Snuggling with a Snugglepet

Millie’s story was sad, coming out of a puppy farm where she was simply used for breeding. She was emaciated and neglected when she was first placed in a foster home. It took her time to get used to walking on grass! She was quiet when we first met her. Now she is a fit, happy, healthy, fun-loving little dog. She loves to explore the garden, go for walks and sit with us at night. Millie loves her food and lots of pats.

Exhausted doggie after an enjoyable walk. I think she just crashed where she landed!

I’m sure her prayer to God her Creator would have been something along the following lines:

“Vindicate me, God, and defend my cause ….rescue me from the deceitful and unjust man.” Psalm 43:1 (Holman Christian Standard Bible). Puppy farming is a despicable practice! There is nothing good about breeding for the sake of making money without consideration of mixing breeds that may lead to genetic problems and charging a motza!

Scruffy but lovable!

Just as we have rescued Millie from an uncertain future, Jesus Christ died to rescue us. It’s good at this Easter time as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ to give thanks that not only did Jesus die for us but He also overcame the grave that we may live and have eternal life. Not only will we spend eternity with Him, but He is always there for us through every trial during our earthly existence. He loves His children. He will hold us fast! He will never leave us or forsake us.

Not everyone has lake views, Millie does!

Happy Easter!


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