Monthly Archives: January 2016

Let the earth join in with this parade of praise!

Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Meet Roger Over and Out! He’s a pretty neat Aussie pelican and the protagonist of my first book. So he’s rather special! I thought I might use him as a sort of  ‘icon’.

Roger, Over and Out!

Hear the Word of the Psalmist!

Let the earth join in with this parade of praise!
You mighty creatures of the ocean’s depths, echo in exaltation!
Lightning, hail, snow, and clouds, and the stormy winds that fulfill his word.
Bring your melody, O mountains and hills; trees of the forest and field, harmonize your praise!
Praise him all beasts and birds, mice and men, kings, queens, princes, and princesses, young men and maidens, children and babes, old and young alike, everyone everywhere!
Let them all join in with this orchestra of praise. For the name of the Lord is the only name we raise! His stunning splendor ascends higher than the heavens. 14He anoints his people with strength and authority, showing his great favor to all his godly lovers.
Psalm 148:7-13 (The Passion Translation)

Love the Passion Translation!

What a beautiful vision the words of the Psalmist brings, where all God’s Children, His living creatures, living things, and the elements together praise the Lord their Creator. To him a king is no more important than the most impoverished of us. We are all sinners and He loves us unconditionally. To Our Creator of the animal world the tiny humming-bird is as intricate and unique as the great elephant. The whale as splendidly made and revered as the tiny sea-horse! All are perfect in His sight!

The ability and the freedom to praise God is a gift that we often take for granted. How wonderful it is when your world is falling apart to be able to lift your hands and praise and worship the King of Kings. As believers, praise is an integral part of our existence, it is what fills us with joy. We praise Him for His provision, for His mercies, for His forgiveness, for His love – so undeserved.

Just recently I did a little exercise on listing the letters of the alphabet and naming the thing or things I could praise Him for that matched each letter. Try it! It will surprise you.

If you can’t think of anything to praise Him for, start with the works of His hands.

The beauty and intracacy of a flower.

red flower_001

Sing along with the music of the breeze as it rustles the leaves, hear the gentle sighing of the approaching wind in the distance. Soak in the beauty.


Marvel at the brilliant colours in this little Australian Rosella.


The little guy on the railing is an Australian Lorikeet.

Lorikeet on railing_001

A beautiful sunrise or sunset serenaded by a symphony of birdsong.



The drum beat in the pounding of the waves, the swishing of the ocean as waves wash up on the sand.


The soft hiss of the sea spray.

spray on rocks_001

Learn to listen for the works of His hands in motion and feel the beauty as it soaks the soul. Take photos on your phone or tablet that bring joy to your heart and on days you feel down, review them and give thanks and praise to your Father in Heaven. Feel God give you a big hug in your spirit!




I will open rivers……

Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog!

We have been in a heat wave down here in the Land of Aus this week. Temperatures of 39 degrees C – 42 degrees C (102 degrees F – 107 degrees F) But then it is Summer and these temperatures while not unusual for us, can overtime exhaust us of all energy. We become dry and depleted.

When the hot weather hits we seek shelter from the sun and refreshment whether it be a beach, a soak in the ocean or swimming pool. Or we just go to our local mall and enjoy air-conditioned comfort.

Isn’t life much the same. Troubles strike, they may be financial, result from illness, addictions, marital problems, issues with children – and the heat is on! We struggle with our worries, we hit out at everyone, we moan and grumble, we try to go it on our own to find a solution. But in our own strength we become weak and ultimately the constant pressure squeezes us dry.

We tend to seek solutions everywhere else than where we should. As a last resort we take our troubles to God. The God who created our universe. The one true God who knew us before we were even born. The Good, Good Father who knows our hearts and needs better than any other.

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 41:17-18:


Let’s take some advice from this little Australian Magpie. He is only a fledgling but he trusts his Creator to provide for him no matter what. He has found the fountain which will provide relief from the heat, refresh his soul and tomorrow I will hear him singing a new song.







A last word. Before you try to take on mountains of worry on your own. Come before the cross, lay them at Jesus feet and feel His strength wrap around you. We are made perfect in His weakness. In Christ, nothing is impossible!


May your yoke be easy and your burden light this week!




Happy 2016!

I hope the new year is a prosperous and peaceful year filled with blessings that only God can bring.

Thank you for stopping by my blog from Downunder in Oz,

I came across this quote the other day from St Augustine of Hippo (born 354 A.D.) As you can see he lived many hundreds of years ago. I thought the words were still as special today as they were then, and added some pics to it.

……..Ask the earth

…….mountains and sky


…….the sun

…….the fish

…….the animals


Have a great day!



Acknowledgements: The fish and cow pics are from Graphic Stock, while “the stars” is my own photo embellished using PhotoScenery.