Monthly Archives: December 2015

Merry Christmas!

To all my readers,

The characters from the Tales from a Lake series would like to bid you a Merry Christmas! We’ll be back in 2016.


From left to right, Pamela Possum, Matthew Magpie, Neville Noisy Miner, Larry Lorikeet, Junior Magpie and Roger over and Out.

Don’t forget you who are going through a hot summer at this time of year as we are here on the Quiet Side of the Great Lake, please leave water around for native birds and animals. They really struggle in the hot weather.

May God heap His blessings on you at this wonderful time,







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He can turn the parched ground into flowing springs!

Hi, thanks for checking out my blog and welcome to the Quiet Side of the Great Lake down under in Oz,

Our lives are a series of seasons. Some are fruitful and exciting, some dry and exhausting. Last week dished up one of those dry and wearying periods.

There was a heat wave on the east coast of NSW,  the temperatures hitting 42 degrees Celsius which is equal to 107.6 degrees Farenheit. While us humans tend to jump into pools the lake or the surf, or turn on the air-con our little feathered friends and domestic pets need special attention. The Bible verse below reminded me of the blessing our bird bath brought to our land-bound feathered friends.

“He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs;”  Psalm 107:35

By four o’clock in the afternoon there was a queue at the bird bath.

cocky on bird bath

This very handsome Sulphur Crested Cockatoo headed the queue. No doubt his size afforded him priority.


The corellas followed, little groups taking turns.

Maggie family_001

Mum Magpie brought these juniors along and you can see by their mouths that they are trying to cool off. They look like they are talking or carolling, but they are really dealing with the heat. As is the little Noisy Miner who joined them (below).

neville and mags2_001

The little lorikeets cooled off and drank their fill.

rosellas in pool

So relieved were they that a little kiss was in order. Note that the highly coloured male has his head tipped to his right and his beak wrapped around the female’s beak. So cute!


The bush pigeons with their little top knots waited by the bird bath for their turn.


It was very gratifying to watch them all fly off wet and cool.  We too can be refreshed when our souls are dry, by bathing in God’s Word, letting His grace wash over us and fill us afresh. John 7:38 (ESV) tells us that: Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

Finally “Give thanks to the Creator who filled the heavens with revelation.” (Psalm 136:5 The Passion Translation) What a sad world it would be without these beautiful little feathered creatures, their chirping and birdsong, and of course their endearing antics.

May your dry days be filled with streams of living water, and remember those who drink of the “living water” that only Jesus can bring into your life will never be thirsty again.
