Daily Archives: November 24, 2015

Baby Steps!

Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog, and welcome to the Quiet Side of the Great Lake downunder in Oz!

The Bible tells us to:

“dedicate our children to God, and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life.”
Proverbs 22:6 The Passion Translation.

Sometimes I think the birds do a better job than some people in raising their children. Of all bird families on the Quiet Side, Magpies appear to make the most diligent parents. They are methodical, consistent and act as role models to their young. Then they give their little ones some independence to experiment with what they have been taught.

There are lots of little fledglings on the Quiet Side at this present time. These are young birds who have recently acquired their flight feathers, and so are not long out of the nest.

I was fascinated a day or so ago when I watched two adult magpies training their little ones. Initially they were teaching them to find food in the ground. Then they used another strategy that is particularly fascinating. I have heard it described as a submissive display, however nothing I have read to date seems able to explain exactly why it is done. Maybe it’s like the naughty corner!

Mum stands over the little one while he lies down on his back. He looks like he is dead, motionless with his feet up in the air. He stays there for as long as she tells him to. That may last for five minutes or more. Imagine trying to keep a toddler still for that period of time!

Or it could be mistaken as the other magpies beating up on a baby, which it isn’t.
You will note one of the adults demonstrating the pose to the junior as he imitates it.

junior on its back

After his lesson she sends him off on his own. That was when he arrived in our garden.

First of all he jumped up on the little statue we have placed where all the old faithful dogs we’ve owned have been laid to rest.


I’ve also seen him sitting on the head of the garden owl next door. So it obviously didn’t frighten him away from the vegetable garden where it was placed.

Then he decided he would try out our bird bath. He obviously hadn’t been flying all that long. He knew he had to fly up onto the bird bath, but obviously wasn’t able to pace himself as to when he needed to use his wings. So he ran along with them out so they would be ready when the time came.


He made the bird bath, but instead of landing on the rim as the adult birds do, he landed in the middle of the water.


So what do you do on a hot day when you find yourself standing in a puddle of water? You have a swim. I don’t think any of our local adult magpies have ever taken a dip in our bird bath, but this one did.


Then Presto! he actually made the rim to take a wobbly stance.

junior on rim

I’m sure his Mum and Dad would be proud, Junior has learned his lessons well!

Whether babies are human toddlers, puppies, kittens,  juvenile birds or native animals they are all unique innovative and individual. We are all originals!

Enjoy the rest of your week! Stay safe.
