Showdown in the Umbrella Tree

Hi, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

My fourth book in the “Tales from a Lake” series is now on sale in the Amazon Kindle Store.

SHOWDOWN-IN-THE-UMBRELLA-TREE-COVER-for-webI’ll let my promo for the story on Amazon Kindle tell you what it’s all about.

“Greed and selfishness rear their ugly heads on the Quiet Side of the Great Lake. Suddenly this beautiful place of peace and healing is threatened. Neville the little Noisy Miner bird becomes very possessive when a brand new bird bath appears right next to his tree and he decides it should become his, exclusively.


He also loves the juicy red buds that bloom each year on the umbrella tree next door to him and decides that they too should be his. Within a short time his greed gets out of hand when he decides he should have the exclusive ownership of everything in the garden around his tree.

Neville looks into the pool artoon_002The fun begins when he meets Larry the rainbow lorikeet who has similar ideas.

Lorikeet head shot2
Like all ‘Tales from a Lake’ stories ‘Showdown in the Umbrella Tree’ is educational, inspired by real life events and reflects real nature. All birds and four legged creatures are featured in their natural environment. Illustrations are beautiful in vivid color . Virtues emphasized in the story are love, looking out for each other, sharing and forgiveness. This is a fun story for parents to read to their children whilst at the same time teaching them about love and respect. These stories whilst crafted for children for the Christian market, are suitable for readers of all ages who enjoy stories about nature.”

Enjoy the rest of your week,



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