Daily Archives: August 19, 2015

Let’s begin at the beginning!

Welcome all wildlife lovers and a big welcome to all my Aussie friends,

Thanks for checking out my blog!

2015 has been my debut year as a children’s writer. After a career in the nursing profession ending as the administrator of a service reaching across four hospitals and just short of a thousand beds, I have found breathing space to further a cause God laid on my heart.

To date my books are all a part of a series. The series is entitled Tales from a Lake. All are available on the Amazon Kindle website at minimal cost. Check out the covers below. So far there are three books in the series, with a fourth in production. They are educational, as I have endeavoured to keep the characters as close to nature and in their natural environment. Whilst they contain a Christian theme, they also contain principles that teach young children values and virtues, elements that are often missing in today’s society.


Just as my characters do in The Tales from a Lake series, I too live on the Quiet Side of the Great Lake. When my husband and I moved to our lake frontage fifteen years ago, my heart was moved by the beauty of this place and the birds, four legged friends and the human folk who live there. I was struck by the fact that there was such an order to the wildlife so similar to our own, which could only be attributed to God, the Great Creator’s awesome design and engineering.

As we do, I could see no reason why these creatures could not be aware of our Creator just as we are. From a child’s perspective everything is possible. The more bazaar the more instrigue. So from this origin the many Tales from a Lake stories were born. While these stories are crafted for children, my late mother who was suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease also enjoyed them. Some could say she was biased. But the simplicity of the stories and love incorporated in them is uplifting and simple.

The Tales from a Lake stories are a very different approach of creating the awareness of our Creator to young children making them appropriate to all denominations and religions who believe in the One True God.

All stories are inspired from real happenings around the lake and I can’t tell you what a privilege and a blessing it is to live life seeing these stories evolve.

Watching the bird families as they raise their offspring, seeing others who arrive having traveled across the oceans to our lake down under, some from New Guinea, some from as far away as Alaska, flying thousands of miles each year. It is also very precious to see relationships rise up between the human folk on the Quiet Side and God’s creatures – such as in The Tale of Pamela Possum.

Together, bird life, four legged friends and human folk alike we face the same trials of storms and floods. “We look out for each other!”

Below is an illustration from Tales from a Lake Book 1, entitled Roger, Over and Out! But more about him next time.

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